Sandro Soncin, owner of Soncin Electrical Pty Ltd established in 1994. Born and bred local with over 30 years’ experience in the electrical field.
Sandro completed Year 12 at Mareeba State High School in 1988. Upon completing year 12, Sandro commenced his electrical apprenticeship in Cairns with Tierney Electrical. During the last twelve months of his apprenticeship, Sandro completed his Contractors course. After 5 years with Tierney Electrical, Sandro decided it was time to take the plunge and launch his own electrical business, so he headed back to his home town of Mareeba to commence his own business.
As a sole trader, after six months he decided to employ his first apprentice. In 2001, Sandro formed the company Soncin Electrical Pty Ltd and over the last 30 years, Sandro has employed 10 apprentices, which most of whom have now started their own businesses.
Currently, we employ two apprentices. Joshua Mulla who has just commenced his forth year apprenticeship and Robby Soncin, who has just commenced his first year apprenticeship.
Sherri Soncin looks after the administration aspect of the business.
Sandro is a very active member of the community and very passionate about being involved. He has been a very active member and player with Mareeba United Football Club for over 20 years. Holding positions as Junior President, Committee Member, Coach, Player, Technical Director, Referee and Volunteer.
He has participated in the Great Wheelbarrow Race is various teams over the years, but also as a solo runner.
He has helped out at various functions for Mareeba Rotary and has managed the Rotary FNQ Field Days electrical and safety needs for excess of 10 years.
Sandro loves the outdoors! On weekends you will find him either at soccer, mountain biking and hiking.